Essential Nutrients for a Stronger Immune System

The onset of Covid-19 has brought more attention to the importance of immune-boosting nutrients to keep the body resilient during these high-risk times. Incorporating anti-inflammatory foods rich in antioxidants provides essential nutrients to support the optimal function of the body’s immune system.

What is an Anti-inflammatory Diet?

An anti-inflammatory diet has gained attention over the years for its numerous health benefits as well as reducing the risk of various lifestyle diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, psoriasis, arthritis, and heart disease to name a few. This is not a ‘diet’ per se like a weight-loss program. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D. ‘it is a way of selecting and preparing anti-inflammatory foods based on scientific knowledge of how they can help your body maintain optimum health.’

Nutrient dense fruits and vegetables, herbs and spices that are high in antioxidants along with high fiber and Omega-3 fatty acids in nuts and grains are the key elements of an anti-inflammatory diet. These nutrients help boost the immune system by helping to defend the body from free radicals and contribute to the repair of DNA and healthy cells.

Every eating decision we make can either heal our bodies through good nutrition or hinder it by promoting inflammation.

Dr Barry Sears, The Zone Diet
Antioxidants Support the Immune System

Antioxidants play an important function in protecting cells from oxidative stress which can lead to a variety of lifestyle diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Examples of antioxidants include Vitamin C and E, and phytonutrients (carotenoids, polyphenols). A general guideline for good sources of antioxidants is to select fresh colorful fruit, vegetables, and herbs.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Help Reduce Inflammation

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential in an anti-inflammatory diet and are known to provide an array of benefits including heart and brain health, behavior and mood, and vision. Since the body does not produce omega-3 fatty acids, we must get them from food.

Key to a Healthy Lifestyle

The anti-inflammatory diet is probably one of the easiest to adapt for a healthy lifestyle. Since there are so many varieties of antioxidant rich foods available, you’re most likely consuming some of these foods already. A good start is to consider introducing more of these immune-boosting foods into your diet while at the same time cutting back on processed foods and other inflammatory foods. If you’re seeking a meal plan, you may want to consider the Mediterranean Diet or Blue Zone Diet which follow similar food principles as the anti-inflammatory diet though with more focus on whole, natural, plant-based foods.

Many diseases like cancer, arthritis and rheumatism, and auto-immune dysfunction can be managed through lifestyle factors such as food and exercise. Adapting an anti-inflammatory diet can contribute to healthy eating habits which can prevent and help manage disease and other illnesses.